Use our practical approach to design and lead with more meaningful measures.

Measuring your organizational performance meaningfully is an essential cornerstone of business success.

The PuMP® Implementer Program is designed to help leaders and their organizations develop the full suite of performance measures their teams currently need.

It uses a very hands-on approach to guide participants through a logical and engaging process to develop meaningful and actionable measures directly linked to their strategic goals.

The program is particularly beneficial for measurement teams who have struggled with traditional measurement approaches and are looking for a more effective and practical way to demonstrate and drive performance improvements.

Based on PuMP® Blueprint—the world’s most comprehensive performance measurement process.

Developed by Stacey Barr, renowned organizational performance measurement specialist, the PuMP® Blueprint is an 8-step framework to design an organization's performance measurement process to make strategy more measurable.

Each of the eight steps in PuMP® deals with the typical struggles in measuring performance, with each step designed to replace the bad habits that cause such struggles with easier, faster and more engaging techniques.

How we work to meet your performance management needs.

The PuMP®️ Implementer program is now more flexible than ever, designed to adapt to your organization’s specific needs and timelines. We deliver the program in tailored formats and as targeted interventions to help your performance management and measurement teams create a clear mind map, ensuring alignment of strategic goals with performance measures for effective management and improvement.

Reaching your intended results—powerfully and measurably.

Leaders and organizations that work with PuMP® Implementer can expect to see a transformation in how they approach performance measurement. By focusing on creating the measures that truly reflect their strategic objectives, they can make more informed decisions, prioritize efforts more effectively, and ultimately achieve their goals more efficiently, resulting in a series of tangible benefits for the organization.

The performance measurement work we did with Barev Consulting resulted in greater strategic clarity, improved business processes, and renewed organizational structure.
Cathy Morghese

Imagine being able to improve your performance with the right measures. How valuable would this be to you?

To learn more about how the PuMP® Implementer program can support your organization’s performance measurement efforts, please send us a message.